Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Tomato Tart; Kale and Raisin Tart; Samosa Style Strudels; Leek & Potato Soup; Green Minestrone Soup; Yam and carrot Souip; W/W sourdough caraway breads; W/W sourdough waffles with fresh blueberries & Chia..Photos of prep using own grown organic veggies

The base for the samosa strudels, yams, carrots, onions, garlic, carrots, leeks, will add fresh kale and large raisins with the garam masala and more turmeric

This is the base for one of the tarts, kale and vegetables with red peppers and again raisins

Leek & potato soup, made with coconut milk

Green Minestrone

Almond and blueberry sourdough whole wheat waffles, also made apricot almond and banana walnut, 5 dozen!

Sour dough whole wheat breads with caraway seed

Pre baked crust with cheese and topped with sliced cooked potatoes

Topped w/shredded fresh basil and wine caramelized onions, this will be topped with sliced sauteed tomatoes and grated Parmesan cheese

Tart #2  this is pre baked, with potatoes and  caramelized onions and an artichoke and mayonnaise spread, to be topped w/ the cooked greens and raisins and them sliced tomatoes,

Tart #2 the tomatoes are topped with a gremolata of shredded basil, Meyer lemon chopped and garlic. Bake the tarts with the filling covered with foil.

The whole wheat puff pastry rolled out and filled with samosa vegetables

The baked tomato-cheese tart

Samosa Strudels..egg washed and topped with caraway seeds and sea salt

Tart #2 after baking

Fresh Kale and leeks soaking  before cooking to clean and crisp up
Yam and carrot soup with coconut milk

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