Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Thursday, March 7, 2013

GF vegetable-cheese pie, Lentil mushroom loaf, Greens and greeners..Photos only

Cooked lentils, chickpeas, herbs and spices, eggs, cooked rice & breadcrumbs for the lentil loaf

Mango, blackberry & apple whole wheat crumble (British Dessert)

Mustard greens, broccoli, onions and dried apricots

Sauteed zucchini with garlic and served with dried tart cherries

The vegetables for the pie

Grated starchy potatoes, rinsed and dried add salt & pepper and raw sesame seeds..the ingredients for the base of the Gluten-free pie

The lentil loaf prior to baking..topped with smoked paprika and olive oil

Sauteing the potatoes and sesame seeds..crispy on the base, to be flipped and baked a further 15 mins, topped with veggies and cheese and bread crumbs at client's home and baked again

Previous 2 the baked potato-sesame base for the pies


  1. adding dried tart fruit to any vegetables especially greens is wonderful..the apricots really work well with broccoli and mustard greens as do the tart cherries with zucchini and garlic

  2. The potato crusted pie was a BIG Hit!
