Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Yam and carrot "Vichysoisse"; Broccoli and blackbean Goulash with brown jasmine rice; GF Chia, Potato & Apple pancakes/Latkas; cheese and basil cornmeal "polenta" Photos of Prep for Internationally inspired veggie menu for tomorrow.

The black bean " goulash" I have added pre-steamed broccoli and carrot slaw veggies and yams, will add  some potatoes later and more paprika and this will be served with the jasmine rice

Previous 2 the yams and carrot 'vichysoisse" with potatoes, leeks, pumpkin & onions, finished with coconut milk and agave syrup

Shredded starchy potatoes, placed in a colander to drain for 30 mins

Shredded onions and apples

This is the potato water that comes out of the shredded potatoes and has to be removed for crispy potato pancakes

Chia seeds and all purpose gf baking mix ( fava bean flour, chickpea flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, sorghum flour, use an all purpose gf mix not a gf cake mix as it needs to be able to hold the potato shreds)

The potato, chia and apple pancakes, cook in small batches in 1/4inch deep very hot peanut or grape seed oil, drain on wire rack or the brown grocery paper bags, do not drain on kitchen paper towels as these create steam and soggy pancakes..I used 4 cups shredded potatoes, 1 1/2 cups shredded onions, 2 cups shredded apples, 3 large eggs, 6-8 tbsp gf baking mix, salt and pepper, 1 cup chia seeds...the basic mix is shredded or grated starchy potatoes, onions, salt and pepper, flour and eggs ( latkas), I have added apple to cut down on onion, chia to make them more filling (as these are so good people tend to "scoff them down" too fast), in place of wheat flour I used GF mix..experiment and make them YOUR own

Cornmeal polenta with cheese and basil, allow 1 cup yellow fine grind cornmeal to almost 4 cups veggie stock, and cook for 30 mins before pouring into greased mold.set overnight then cut into shapes and either grill or shallow fry, these will be served with a sweet potato-mushroom sauce.


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