Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

FALL FLAVORS: Yam & Carrot Soup; Celery Root Bisque; Own grown eggplant and pepper stew with steamed brown rice; Lentil and pecan-chestnut "meatloaf" and mashed potatoes; Pumpkin and Squash Custard with cheese; Rosemary-onion sourdough whole wheat breads Menu prep plus some special orders

When I worked in a hotel in England in the late 70's I helped in a banquet for 400 members of the British Vegetarian Society and this is where I became accustomed to the nut loaf. This is my take on that, a very rich combination of Horse chestnuts, roasted pistachio meats, cooked lentils, garlic, chopped carrots, onion, bell peppers, fresh sage, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, white wine, eggs. Also in the picture is a pumpkin and squash custard topped with cheese, this is a great GF "Quiche" and does contain grated cheese but is just as good without, plus whole eggs.

Previous 2,  base for the lentil and nut "meatloaf" with fresh sage and rosemary added

The carrot and yam soup

Potatoes added along with butternut squash to the Eggplant & Pepper stew to be served with steamed brown rice

Onions and fresh rosemary (own grown) for the sourdough breads

The cooked base for the meatloaf, will also add more nuts, fresh breadcrumbs and whole eggs, and leave it chunky  not processed like a pate.

The eggplant and pepper stew completed

The wholewheat onion-rosemary sourdough bread dough

The pureed carrot-yam soup

The pureed celery root bisque finished off with live plain yogurt

The "meatoaf" before cooking

Butternut, zucchini and yellow summer squash with  onions, garlic and white wine for the pumpkin custard

pumpkin custard topped with cheese

previous 2 the baked "meatloaves"

The bread dough after first prove

Buttery creamed potatoes for the meatloaf

The fully cooked pumpkin and squash custard

Previous 2 the fresh rosemary-onion, wholewheat sourdough breads out of oven and steaming..fat, dairy and sugar free wonderfulness

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