Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Friday, March 2, 2012

Why are Americans scared of rutabagas and parsnips?

I grew up in Europe where these 2 vegetables were/are a in So Cal. they are hardly ever featured on any menus and yet they are delicious.
They have been difficult to find...they should be heavy and thick ..these do not do well as a 'gourmet young vegetable..all thin and stringy".. in local markets.
Parsnips are like a fragrant carrot..and are fabulous when they are roasted...chewy, caramel/fudge like and sweet also great mashed with butter and salt and pepper...I also add them, grated,  to potato pancakes (latkas)

Rutabagas..I know them as  swedes..these are tough and fibrous and need lots of cooking..boiling in salted water is best..they are great mashed with potatoes or carrots or cooked in cream as in Irish Colcannon...they have a thick skin which has to be removed before cooking..I have found the best way to roast them is to pre blanch ( half cook them) them in boiling salted water, drain and then cover with rosemary, olive oil S&P and roasting in a 450f oven for about 30 mins with other veggies like pre blanched beets, red onions and zucchini.

These 2 very under used veggies are great to add to any menu high in Vit C and Vit A...try and find them and experiment..parsnips if organic do not need to be peeled

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