Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I know it hardly seems, likely but this is the place where I discovered these tasty treats.
I lived on Ibiza for almost 5 years in the 80's,( before Club Med..when it was  still Hippy-ish) and as you might have guessed it I DID have the time of my life!...(You will find the recipe in my first book: THE GREAT GRANNY Diet)

The pancakes came via some friends of friends at a Pot Luck dinner
It has taken me over 30yrs to find a good version of this recipe.
I will post more photographs tomorrow

Thursdays Menu

I have made a great Serrano chili pepper tortilla soup, with baked green tortillas also contains fresh avocado, and will be finished with some fresh lime juice at client's home
A green minestrone ( no tomatoes or peppers), and an Asian inspired broccoli with rice noodles.

Followed by

A silky smooth walnut-parsley pesto with gluten free pasta.
A non-dairy creamy asparagus sauce ( the base is white cannelli beans and fresh asparagus blended) also with gluten free pasta.

Some mushroom-leek strudels with cheese..will make tomorrow,

A fabulous lentil and chickpea stew with dried apricots, cinnamon, allspice, raisins and is fabulous and simmered with an Egyptian influenced pomegranate concentrate,( the recipe called form pomegranate molasses but I am trying to cut out extra sweeteners from my dishes) to be finished at  client's home with lime juice and steamed brown rice

The rice and veggie pancakes

Broccoli with Asian black bean sauce and Asian egg noodles and raw cashews..another "fix at home" dish.

Some roasted cauliflower with own grown mini orange tomatoes

 Sauteed green beans with popcorn fingerling potatoes & garlic

A carrot cake with cream cheese frosting  and
roasted sunflower seed butter and raisin oatmeal cookies that are fabulously crispy

red onion and Serrano chili for the tortilla soup

avoid touching the chili pepper and always remove the seeds

the tortilla soup boiling

the green minestrone boiling

the Green minestrone packed

the tortilla soup packed

side view of green minestrone
side view of tortilla soup

baked green tortilla strips for the soup

fresh ginger

the Fruit & Veggie mix for the lentil-chickpea stew

the lentil stew  ready for the vegetable stock

the rice pancakes basic mix

fresh carrot dry over night

roasted sunflower seed butter oatmeal cookies

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