Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Green beans, Sugar Snap peas and couscous warm salad, Zucchini & mushroom sauce with pasta, vegetable strudels, mixed vegetable soup and split yellow and green pea soup..traditional European and prep so far,

This variety grown from seed is call "Tequila Sunrise' and helps to attract bees and hummingbirds for my vegetable plants

We are having cooler weather, thank goodness, although we have been promised high temps by the end of the week I am making the most of these wonderful low 70f's right now.

Last year May was quite gloomy with low clouds, this year it has been very warm, so I am hoping next month it will remain cooler as June is usually our cloudiest month, actually has a name.....'June Gloom".
When low clouds hang over the LA Basin for  weeks at a time and it can be quite humid, and makes bread making a real chore too.

However the next menu for this week is quite a strong European-Mediterranean one.

2 soups, a mixed vegetable, tomato based with artichokes and zucchini; and a split yellow and green pea soup ( Very English) with carrots, celery and onions.
Both soups are finished with green peas and fresh parsley

Mixed vegetable soup

Yellow-green split pea soup

The appetizer is mixed bean hommus with  tortilla chips ( a gluten-free dish)

the entrees are:

Green beans, sugar snap peas and Israeli couscous ( also known as Ptitim) warm salad, with tempeh, basil, turmeric and onion...I have prepped the  vegetables and will add the snap peas tomorrow (the dish is to be heated at client's home), and have cooked the couscous and am letting it dry out.

Toasting the couscous with onion, garlic, turmeric, onion & cinnamon

The bean and tempeh vegetables

I am also preparing vegetable and cheese strudels with carrots, onions, potatoes chickpeas, parsley, celery, is better to make the filling the day before so the flavors can mature overnight.
Strain the cooked vegetables out of the stock and reduce it by 80%, then cover the cooked veggies and allow to cool and mature overnight.

And a tomato-zucchini-mushroom sauce,with potatoes. For be cooked at client's home

The desserts I will prepare later are a coffee-chocolate cake and individual apple-berry fruit crumbles

Plus mixed bean, own grown sprouts, more photos to follow later tomorrow, have a great day cooking, John Nigel

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