Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Monday, August 25, 2014

Buckwheat Pilau & Bok Choy Slaw Moroccan style layering the flavors and textures, the secret to creating GREAT vegetarian/vegan cuisine..Photos

Cooked Buckwheat groats, wash 1 cup toasted buckwheat,well then place in a saucepan with 2 tbsp  oil and saute for 3-5 mins so all the grains are coated..add 2 cups boiling stock or water, bring to boil then lower to simmer and tightly cover, cook until all water is absorbed approx 20-30 mins..serve immediately as a rice dish OR place on a clean cookie sheet and allow to release steam and cool to be used in pilua/pilaf

Sauteed red onions, and garlic with ground coriander, cinnamon, cumin and either  ground ginger or chopped ginger root, add baby tomatoes and continue to saute for 3-5 mins. Season with dried thyme and salt & pepper to taste. Add the cooked and dried buckwheat ( or millet, rice, quinoa &etc.) and also if you like, some cooked wholewheat couscous, roasted or raw nuts, any dried fruits, and continue to cook for 15-25 mins over low simmer so everything is well coated..serve with any stew or even over cooked chickpeas...I added cooked chickpeas, roasted nuts and dried cranberries to my pilau today, and finished with dried mint & lemon juice. Always finish it off with fresh citrus juice to cut the fat/richness of the dish.

Cooked and drying whole wheat couscous

before adding  the  couscous

The completed Pilau finished with dried mint and lemon juice

Chopped bok choy, grated carrot, chopped ginger, red onion, roasted salted peanuts, dried cranberries, chopped cucumber, chopped crisp lettuce, thyme and oregano, dried mint and will be served with a  cumin oil and thyme lemon olive oil dressing

Never add raw ground spice to any salad dressing..always either cook the spice with a little  oil or bake a jelly jar of olive oil with 3-4 tbsp of ground spice, for 30 mins at 350f in a preheated oven and allow to cool down before keeping in fridge, this kills off any bacteria or mold spores.

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