Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Sunday, December 20, 2015

TAKE 15 EGGS............. MAKING SALLY LUNN AND CHRISTMAS BREADS; also Stuffed eggplant, and pasta shell bake with zucchini..some photos of prep for tomorrow Christmas Week deliveries

Chayote, Yellow squashes and zucchini

Sauce base for the stuffed eggplant

Stuffed eggplants..this has been popular since the 1970's

The baked eggplant shells for stuffing, it is important to always precook ANY vegetable shells for stuffing to ensure a tender product

Wine and vegetable sauce for a mushroom  "Coq au vin"

Whole wheat cornmeal Sally Lunn, very rich with eggs and butter, cornmeal and nutmeg, sort of a whole wheat brioche

Whole Wheat Sally Lunn for Christmas, with raisins, cinnamon, all spice and ground coffee..perfect for toasting for any breakfast

Golden Sally Lunn with cornmeal The recipe for these Sally Lunn breads is recipe #10 in my eBook "Baking a name for yourself" on

pasta shells with sauce and cheese, the center is sauteed zucchini and more cheese, to be baked at client's home

Stuffed eggplants to  be baked at client's home

Previous 2 the whole wheat coffee-fruit Christmas Sally Lunns cooling

Nice cooler weather in Los Angeles, last night we had the biggest rainfall in months..1/4 inch!

There is one more menu before Christmas, so if you don't read that one I want to wish you all a Very Happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas/Holiday Season.
John Nigel

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