Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Vegetable-pecan couscous, cheese and mushroom empanadas, carrot and spinach mash, babab ganoush, carrot & orange soups, mushroom and thyme soups..the prep and photos only

First day of Fall in America tomorrow, and like a lot of Southern  Californians it is one of my favorite seasons.
Here it is not so much the falling of the leaves (as most of our trees are palms or evergreens), it is the reduction of tourists so that we can have our "sacred places" (woodlands and grasslands) back, less cluttered roads with people driving slow and irraticly checking their maps against their GPS's and quieter beaches.

This summer has been one of the coolest since records began in 1919..and the Fall is usually quite warm, so I am looking forward to the cooler ocean breezes and the high late afternoon temps.
Today an ocean breeze is blowing and the temp right now is a balmy 83F.

The menu my client's have chosen for Monday is a great Mix of traditional dishes and old favorites:

Broccoli crowns, red bell peppers, Italian eggplants, large red plums

Fresh "Black" raspberries

The Fall Menu for Monday is:

Baba Ganoush..smoked eggplant dip with pita breads / carrot sticks

Mushroom &  fresh thyme soup with almond milk

Blended Carrot & Orange soup finished with live yogurt

The entrees....all come with chopped salad

Cheese, potato and mushroom whole wheat, empanadas

Vegetable & Pecan couscous with onions, garlic, red peppers, celery, zucchini

The side dish is a wonderful buttery mash of carrots and spinach

The desserts:
A fabulously rich brown rice pudding with eggs and cream, served with a fresh fruit coulis ( sauce)

A fresh fruit salad with plums, raspberries, bananas, pears, oranges, pomegranate seeds.

I will post more photos tomorrow as I complete my market shopping and begin cooking prep.

Have a wonderful day, John Nigel

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