Fresh Veggies

Fresh Veggies
great produce=Great eating

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Collard Greens with toasted pine nuts; Mashed carrots and rutabagas; Roasted tomato soup; Red cabbage and hazelnut-raisins slaw; own grown sprouts; Lentil & pecan loaf.PREP PHOTOS

As soon as I get my vegetables home from the market I wash and drain them well then air dry for a few hours before prepping them...peeling trimming and blanching the greens in boiling water with 1/4 tsp baking soda..this keeps their colors vibrant and blanching also keeps them fresher longer.

Curly Kale with field celery

Rutabagas (swedes) and collard greens

Green beans and young carrots

Chopped collars leaves..these are tough greens and have to cook in salted water with onions and smoked paprika for 1 hour

Collards halfway cooked (blanched)

Collards after cooking on high simmer with spices and onions, lots of sea salt and cracked black pepper too

Cooked rutabagas and carrots with fresh sweet butter

Piping hot mashed carrots and rutabagas
own grown sprouts, peas, black eyed peas, lentils, chickpeas..they have to be eaten when just the root begins to show..anything later and all the energy and nutrients have been used up producing leaves and stems

Black sesame seeds, hazel nuts, raisins, red cabbage, carrots and onions this comes with a lemon juice-olive oil dressing

previous 2, the pecan-lentil like a meatloaf; cooked lentils, carrots, celery, oats, breadcrumbs, nutritional yeast, eggs, bell peppers, onions, bay leaf and thyme..delicious

Roasted, fresh tomato soup finished with coconut cream..also added smoked paprika to help give a deep color and smokey flavor

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